HTMA Practitioner Professional Training Course

HTMA Practitioner Professional Training Course – Rated #1 By Graduate Practitioners

Updated and expanded for 2024!

We offer the most comprehensive, in depth professional course for all types of Health Practitioners.
Learn how to fully understand and integrate HTMA into your current health practice
– or how start your new successful HTMA practice!

Now Open For Ongoing Enrollments!
Please complete the form below now to apply for enrollment in this Course.

The current cost for the HTMA Professional Training Course of 45+ hours is $1,499.
(The price is subject to change without notice.)

This Course will teach you exactly how to integrate and use HTMA in your practice!
You’ll learn to fully understand the key mineral deficiencies and excesses that must be corrected as well as the toxic heavy metals in order to help your clients achieve a higher level of health and wellness – in less time.

About The Instructor For HTMA Practitioner Professional Training Course
The Director of HTMA Experts is a highly skilled HTMA Practitioner and the Course Instructor.   She teaches this 45+ hour online professional course.  She has worked with hundreds and hundreds of hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) clients over many years with tremendous success and remarkable health improvements and recoveries!  She has used HTMA’s, targeted nutritional supplements according to the HTMA report and also homeopathic remedies to help her clients achieve global improvements quickly.  She has a high recovery success rate in very complex cases including for those with autoimmune diseases, autism, breast cancer, Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, infertility,  Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), “Long Covid Syndrome”, Lyme Disease, Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth (SIBO), thyroid diseases, ulcerative colitis, vaccine injuries of all types including Covid, women’s health issues and many other very complex health issues.

Enrollment Requirements For The HTMA Practitioner Professional Training Course

  • This online course is for professional Health Care Providers including: Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Doctors, Fitness Coaches, Health Coaches, Homeopaths, Medical Doctors, Nutritional Consultants, Registered Nurses and others with formal training in the field of alternative  health or traditional medicine.
  • You may enroll in this course with proof of your credentials.
  • You may be living in any country to take this online HTMA Practitioner course.
  • This professional course is geared specifically to the HTMA labs that are provided Trace Elements Lab,  located in the USA and its international distributors worldwide.
  • You must be located in the USA or Canada or an approved country to have access to order future hair tests for your clients from this website, once you finish this online professional course.
  • Prerequisite: A current HTMA hair test lab for the Practitioner enrolling is required for registration in this course through Trace Elements Lab.  A discount code off the stated price is provided upon your enrollment acceptance.
  • Having your own HTMA results in hand while taking this course will greatly enrich your overall learning experience of the complicated data interpretation that this HTMA course offers.

About The HTMA Practitioner Professional Training Course

Practitioners who are already doing hair testing will refresh and improve their skills and further their knowledge. This includes learning how to integrate Homeopathy into a current HTMA practice – for faster client outcomes.

Health Care Practitioners who are new to HTMA will learn everything they need to know about hair testing to deepen their understanding and knowledge – in order to integrate hair testing confidently into their practice.

  • Completion Time:
    Enrolled Practitioners have 120 days (4 months) to complete the course after the course registration date. The fastest the course can be complete is 45 days from first access to the course.
  • Course Content:
    This professional online course takes about 45+ hours to complete at your own pace.
    The HTMA Professional Training Course includes extensive printed materials, graphs and  charts plus multiple audio lectures and videos as part of the comprehensive curriculum. This course teaches you exactly what you need to know to become a successful HTMA Practitioner and integrate this valuable and guiding  hair testing method into your practice.
  • There are 30 modules that include HTMA reading materials, printed guides on minerals, mineral ratios and mineral patterns, downloadable graphs and many other resources. Everything is carefully designed to help you build your knowledge in order to have successful HTMA practice. 
  • There are 40+ audio lectures by the expert Instructor with many years of experience on hundreds of hair tests for clients with a wide variety of complex health issues.
  • There are 15+ hours of videos integrated into the course from top experts in the field of HTMA.
  • Course Module Assignments:
    There are assignments related to the material presented for each module.
    Each assignment is reviewed directly by the Instructor.  These provide the ongoing opportunity to ask your specific questions  as well as related to each assignment.  
  • HTMA Case Studies:
    There  are 7 in-depth case studies presented by the Instructor.  They include various health care scenarios for women, children and men with very different hair testing patterns and complex health issues. These are presented along  with their HTMA graphs, case medical histories and detailed care plans plus in depth audios for each case study.
    The various complex health issues in these case studies include discussions and HTMA markers related to: adrenal fatigue, arsenic toxicity, Autism, birth control use, cadmium toxicity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,  copper toxicity, lead toxicity, mercury toxicity, OCD, PANDAS / PANS, Parkinson’s disease, speech delay, tattoo toxicity,  trauma effects of various  types, vaccine injury and other complex health issues.
  • Your Certificate Of Completion:
    An online final exam with 100 questions must be passed with a score of 80% or more to demonstrate your competence of the material and concepts. On successful completion of the course and the exam, you will receive a Certificate Of Completion as an HTMA Practitioner from HTMA Experts.

What You Will Learn In This HTMA Practitioner Professional Training Course

This HTMA Practitioner Professional Training Course is very comprehensive!

learn the history of HTMA and how to interpret the HTMA graphs and reports.
How to determine, assess and treat clients with hidden copper toxicity.
How to correctly interpret the various mineral and toxic metal graphs and ratios.
How to apply this knowledge successfully in your HTMA practice achieve faster outcomes.

Course Modules Include All Of The Following 

  1. Introduction to the course guidelines and the course Instructor.
  2. The history of hair testing and its use today.
  3. Why doing hair testing is such as valuable tool in any health practice.
  4. How to properly cut a proper sample for the most accurate hair testing.
  5. How to properly interpret HTMA graphs for an accurate understanding of overall mineral and health status.
  6. How to review the various HTMA lab reports and fully understand them.
  7. Understanding the basic concepts of hair testing.
  8. Understanding the 8 basic metabolic types in the Trace Labs HTMA report.
  9. Learning details and the importance of each of the 4 macro minerals tested in the HTMA.
  10. Learning details about the other 11 essential minerals tested in the HTMA.
  11. How to properly interpret the 8 toxic elements graph tested in the HTMA.
  12. Understanding the effects of the toxic  heavy metals and the various health symptoms associated with toxicity including: aluminum, antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, lead, mercury and uranium.
  13. How to properly interpret the HTMA 15 additional elements graph and understanding its importance.
  14. How to properly interpret the HTMA 7 significant ratios graph and understanding its importance.
  15. How to properly interpret the HTMA 9 toxic ratios graph and understanding their importance.
  16. How to properly interpret the HTMA 11 additional ratios graph and understanding its importance.
  17. Understanding copper toxicity and its powerful negative impact on mental, physical and emotional health.
  18. How to assess hidden (unbound) copper in the HTMA and how to help clients to reduce it’s impact.
  19. The health impacts of birth control, high copper, high estrogen and the relationship to cancers.
  20. The importance of iodine and salt and other minerals for thyroid health and how to determine available iodine levels from the HTMA markers.
  21. Understanding the mineral wheels and the complex synergistic and antagonist relationships of minerals, hormones and vitamins.
  22. How to use the recommended supplements provided on the HTMA for faster health improvements.
  23. How to integrate dietary and food recommendations provided in the HTMA for faster improvements.
  24. How to integrate cell salts and basic homeopathic remedies and effective homeopathic protocols to help increase minerals more rapidly.
  25. BONUS: How to assess trauma history based on the HTMA results, using a medical history and medical timeline.
  26. BONUS: How to integrate successful  Banerji Protocols using homeopathy to improve your client health outcomes.
  27. BONUS: How to integrate homeopathic megapotencies to help clear a client’s deep personal and/or ancestral trauma patterns to improve their overall health.
  28. MULTIPLE CASE STUDIES:  There are 7 in depth case studies presented by the Instructor of the main HTMA patterns from actual cases, to help you better understand various common health scenarios. 
    This includes the review of each case study’s medical and trauma history.  You will also learn how to design an effective care plan for your future clients – including specific mineral supplements and dietary recommendations. This includes integrating other health strategies such as the use of homeopathy for trauma release and also  homeopathic remedies and protocols for faster detoxification and mineral rebalancing with improved client outcomes, in less time.
  29. HTMA  Practice  Tips Learn how to keep a client in your practice and by helping them improve their health issues more rapidly.
  30. HTMA Resources including scientific articles and book lists for further independent study plus other resource websites.
  31. And more!

Testimonials About The HTMA Professional Training Course

“I have taken numerous online courses since I graduated with my BSN degree, and this course is hands down the most comprehensive and detailed one that I’ve ever participated in. I had no idea how in-depth hair tissue mineral analysis was until I began this course, and I feel confident that I learned the craft from the most qualified person on the internet.

Kari Kindem, Director and the Course Instructor could not be more passionate or intentional about her work, which largely includes hair testing within her thriving practice; she is an absolute wellspring of knowledge, she is extremely involved in the assigned coursework, and she provides thorough responses to any and all questions. The amount of knowledge packed into this course is excessive, but doesn’t feel overwhelming because there is lifetime access. I highly recommend this course to anyone desiring to learn the art of reading a hair test, especially if they already have a medical background and foundation.”
Carly A Sweetman, RN, BSN. New Jersey, USA July 2024.


“I have been working with hair analysis through Trace Elements for over 10 years. I have found it to be life changing for my patients and as a practitioner.  Having said that, I knew I had more to learn and needed greater confidence.  The HTMA Experts Professional Practitioner Training has done just that for me!  I feel far more knowledgeable regarding each test that I do with my patients.

“I also feel more confident in making the recommendations that Trace recommends because I have a greater understanding of what is really going on with my patient. This makes me a better practitioner and leads to greater wins for my patients. Thank you to the Course Instructor for an excellent, thorough training for those who are new to hair analysis testing and for those who are experienced and want to go deeper!
Jonathan Glass ND, M.Ac, Massachusetts, USA.  May 2024.


“This course is comprehensive, I learned new information and it helped me understand step by step how to read and analyze clients’ HTMA reports.  The course also includes information on Megapotency remedies, which is new to me and very interesting. I am confident to share the knowledge I learned with clients.”
Niveen, Wellness Counsultant, Dubai. May 2024.


“I couldn’t be more grateful to have found this course and now be able to integrate it into a future practice of my own. It has truly been empowering to gain this knowledge in a succinct, supportive, and encouraging environment through the Instructor. I didn’t expect to hardly ever hear from the Instructor as this has been my experience with other online courses or where there is only a weekly dialogue for Q&A. The Instructor is incredibly attentive, highly responsive, and she has more than a wealth of knowledge when it comes to hair testing, homeopathy, and overall health. I was so encouraged by her prompt feedback, and it added so much value to the course on top of the already detailed and informative lessons – easy to follow as well.
I feel very well equipped to assess hair test reports for the health of my future clients from the knowledge gained in this course and am so eager to start helping people feel better in their bodies. I will be applying all the homeopathic knowledge gained as well. I am currently a full time mother with a Level 3 certification in Dr. Klinghardt’s Autonomic Response Testing (A.R.T.) and have been trying to help my son heal his eczema for years. I am so encouraged, thanks to the Instructor and this course, to expand my knowledge of the body, integrate the hair testing and homeopathy, and heal my son’s skin. The Instructor has inspired me to start my own practice with hair testing where I will integrate her wonderful lessons about homeopathy, and I’ll also add some A.R.T. as well. Thank you so much! You are a true healer and a gift to this world. 
Christine M, ART Practitioner  Virginia, USA. March 2024


“This course was very informative. I knew very little about hair testing before this and now I feel confident to read them to help my clients. One of the reasons I took this specific course was to learn more  about homeopathy as well. It did not disappoint. I highly recommend this course to others.”
Katie Williams, B.A. nutritional science & Health  Practitioner Virginia, USA. March 2024


“I really appreciated access to the very knowledgeable Instructor during the Course to ask questions as I went through each module. This Course is packed with information! I loved the concept of building my own binder to have all the written HTMA resources that were provided handy.  It will be so useful in my future practice especially as a new HTMA Practitioner.”
Marta, Nutritional Consultant, Florida, USA. December 2023


“This course is an incredible deep dive into all the intricacies of hair testing! Other courses for Practitioners that I took about HTMA barely scratched the surface as compared to this one. I can’t wait to integrate hair testing into my practice for my patients for betters outcomes. One HTMA lab will replace at least $2,000 worth of labs.”
Jean, Nutritional & Fitness Coach , California. December 2023.


“Thank you for this wonderful course!  The Course Instructor is so incredibly knowledgeable and such an inspiration.” Anna, Acupuncture & Ayurveda Practitioner,  Arizona November 2023.


“I was not expecting this to be the fantastic wealth of information that it was! The knowledge and HTMA practice experience of the Instructor is phenomenal.  There is nothing like this course at this level that available anywhere. It includes HTMA along with Homeopathic protocols to really help people at a deep level.”  William, Nutritional Consultant & Health Coach, California, USA. October 2023


New Enrollments Are Limited Per Month – Apply Now!

Please Complete The Form Below To Apply To Enroll In This Course.
You will be given a payment link after the review and acceptance of your application and credentials.

The current cost for the HTMA Professional Training Course of 45+ hours is $1,499.